B Ernest Manfunny is more than a pseudonym Bowen Boshier has chosen to sign his delicate watercoulor and pencil drawings. ‘Ernest’ recalls the endurance of the Inspirational explorer Ernest Shackelton.
B Ernest Manfunny is Bowen’s Alter Ego, his aspirational centre. B Ernest Manfunny responds to the natural and supernatural phenomena, sensing drama in a passing storm or whirlwind, finding the heartland of home or wondering at the impulsive migration of swallows or eels.
These mobile, vivid experiences, felt as much as seen, are caught within the meniscus of watercolour medium which, like a pulsating membrane, contains a visceral, fleeting memory of each experience.
B Ernst Manfunny’s capacity to abstract the essentials of each experience and communicate this is incontestably powerful. Each artwork has two components, one representational and one abstract. The accessible representational content is apparent in Bowen’s finely controlled and detailed pencil drawings of land and treescapes. The pencil drawing acts as an introduction to the abstract watercolour counterpart.
Dream now, dream not, the annual Winter Solstice Exhibition, The Cape Gallery
An exhibition with Paula Vize and Peter van Straten, The Cape Gallery
Threshold, the annual Winter Solstice Exhibition, The Cape Gallery


Title: Heading for Spring
Size: 20 x 13 cm
Media: Pencil and watercolour
ID: 24776
Price: R 15 000 Framed |