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Born on July 11 1958 in Pretoria, South Africa
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Anton Bosch has lived and worked near the town of White River in South Africa for some thirty years.

Born into an artistic household - his father is celebrated ceramist Esias Bosch - Anton grew up playing and working with clay. After majoring in painting and drawing at the Pretoria Art School, he returned to ceramics. He soon established himself as a potter in whose work the painterly aspect plays a significant role.

Anton regards working with clay as an experience which brings him into intimate contact with the natural world and he attempts to offer an authentic sense of this connection in his art. He emphasises that although his work has a narrative quality, it is not intellectual and remote.

‘I like to think my work is accessible simply because everyone can find their own meaning in what I am trying to express,’ he says.

Anton’s work has been exhibited extensively in South Africa and it is featured in various national and international collections as well as in the Keramion Museum in Hanover, Germany.


Dream now, dream not, the annual Winter Solstice Exhibition, The Cape Gallery

Exhibition with Hanlie Bosch at The Cape Gallery


Bosch moves from the Bosch Studio and builds his own studio and
gallery adjacent to his home near White River. Anton Bosch's work is represented in:

The Keramion Museum, Cologne, Germany.
The Pretoria Art Gallery.
The William Humphries Museum, Kimberley.
The Vineyard Hotel, Cape Town.
Various national and international private collections.

Bosch continues to combine various decorative techniques such as slips, wax etching work, brush work and the ceramic pencil technique, successfully . The cumulative effect of approximately twenty years of work enables him to master a technically challenging inlay process which he had developed over time and which is unique to his work. The Vineyard Hotel in Cape Town commissions a large fountain in white stoneware decorated with cobalt oxide and coloured stains, as well as a collection of wall panels. Exhibits at the Rand Afrikaans University.

Concentrates on wheel thrown pots – large, imposing, free standing bowls, vases, platters. Also reduction-fired blue and white porcelain domestic ware and individual pieces. At this time there is an escalation of knowledge and skill which he applies to flat surfaces and his ongoing interest in 'telling stories on ceramics' intensifies. Exhibits at the University of Pretoria, the University of Potchefstroom, the William Humphries Gallery in Kimberley, Kuns Uniek in Pretoria (the first of many successive exhibitions ) at various private national venues and at the Bosch Studio.

Begins experimenting with wall panels of various sizes, decorated
with coloured slips and oxides and low relief work depicting figures, birds, insects and reptiles. He is commissioned by the Vineyard Hotel in Cape Town to make a stoneware fountain. Exhibits at the Yellow Door in Cape Town, the Sand du Plessis Theatre in Bloemfontein, at the Bosch Studio itself and at a private venue in Cape Town.

Makes mainly slab built stoneware planters and floor vases
using predominantly reduction fired celadon and iron glazes. Marries former fellow art- student Hanlie Kriek in '84. His first exhibition is at the Keith Kirsten garden centre in Pretoria, followed by an exhibition at Things Gallery in Mellville, Johannesburg.

Joins his father, ceramist Esias Bosch, in the Bosch Studio. Anton paints, does woodcuts and engraves on ostrich eggs while he learns from his father and prepares the studio to make and fire large planters. In this early 'apprenticeship' phase he experiments with many of the designs which will later become trademarks of his work such as nudes, symbolic trees and other images from nature. It already becomes clear that he veers toward combining ceramics with his natural affinity for drawing and painting.

Studies art at Pretoria Art School, majoring in painting and

Military service.

Matriculates at Nelspruit High School, Mpumalanga.

Anton Bosch
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Title: Porcelain Bowl Sets
Media: Porcelain wheel thrown bowls with cobalt and slip dotted decoration, small to large
Priced individually as follows:
Bowl I - R 850
Bowl II - R 650
Bowl IV - R 320
Bowl V - R 220

Please enqiure about availability of individual bowls
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Gallery hours: Mon to Fri: 9h30 to 17h00, Sat: 10h00 to 14h00
American express, Mastercard, Visa and Diner cards are accepted.
Reliable arrangements can be made to freight purchases to foreign destinations.

60 CHURCH STREET CAPE TOWN 8001, TEL: +27 21 4235309, FAX: +27 21 4249063

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