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Christopher Reid was born in South Africa, but moved to the US 
at an early age. He studied fine art at The Savannah College
Of Art And Design
 and UNC-Wilmington. He trained in all
media, but currently favors pastel, acrylic, watercolor,and charcoal.
You will see in his portfolio that he enjoys painting all kinds
of subjects and his style varies based on his mood at the time and
the subject. Reid is currently accepting commissions for paintings
and exhibiting in various locations throughout South Africa.

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Title: Super Selfie
Size: 90x65cm
Media: Acrylic on Canvas
ID: 24145
Price: R 31 500
On Show I Where to find us I The Gallery I On Exhibition I ArtistsI Payment details

Gallery hours: Mon to Fri: 9h30 to 17h00, Sat: 10h00 to 14h00
American express, Mastercard, Visa and Diner cards are accepted.
Reliable arrangements can be made to freight purchases to foreign destinations.

60 CHURCH STREET CAPE TOWN 8001, TEL: +27 21 4235309, FAX: +27 21 4249063

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