Working at Burr & Muir Antiques involves
tracking down and purchasing stock, plenty of research, and preparing presentations
of items for sale. The job however affords one the time to explore other
interests, such as photography and painting.
I decided to start to learn to paint about 5 years ago, and influenced
by David Porter, I attended classes with Lindi Waterkeyn in Hout Bay,
where I met also Alan McKirron. Lindi is a clever teacher, in that she
allowed one to develop one’s own style, which is clearly seen by
the differing styles of my paintings, and those of David and Alan. Unlike
them, I like working almost exclusively with a palette knife.
Artists whose styles I really appreciate are Frank Auerbach, Leon Kossoff
and others who work aggressively in heavily textured oils.
Scenes I like to paint are often beach scenes, or scenes with figures
and animals. Whenever I travel, I photograph whatever I think might make
an interesting painting, and use this as a reminder when I paint. A holiday
in to Ghana last year prompted a number of paintings that appear on this
exhibition. I stayed in a small fishing village called Fettah, about 50
kilometers west of Accra. The unspoiled fishing village offered very picturesque
vistas of ocean and fishing vessels, and was the perfect inspiration for
photography and painting.
I especially enjoy painting portraits, but these I usually do as a gift
for the sitter.
B.Sc (Maths) - UCT 1973
Diploma in Datametrics - Unisa 1978
MBA - UCT 1984
1973 – 1989
Worked in the computer industry, the last 10 years spent with Burroughs,
currently known as Unisys, heading up their software consulting team for
the coastal branches.
1987 onwards
Opened ‘Burr & Muir’, a shop specialising in Art Nouveau
and Art Deco, and 20th Century Design.
Moved in full–time in April 1989.
Lectured extensively country-wide on the following topics :
‘Art Nouveau and Art Deco’, ‘Lalique’, ‘Clarice
Cliff’ to Decorative Arts Societies across the country.
‘ Studio Pottery’ to the Antique Collectors Club in Cape Town.
‘French Art Glass 1880 – 1940’ concurrent with the exhibition
at the National Gallery in Cape Town.
‘The New Look – Post–War Design’ to Decorative
Arts Society of the Transvaal.
‘Art Glass of the 1950’s & 1960’s concurrent with
the exhibition at the National Gallery.
Consultant to the National Gallery exhibition of ‘Art Nouveau and
Art Deco’ in 1990.
Curator to the National Gallery exhibition of ‘French Art Glass
1880-1940’ in 1991.
Curator to the National Gallery for the ‘Art Glass of the 1950s
and 1960s’ in 1994.
Curator of ‘Ballet In Bronze’ – and exhibition of Art
Deco bronze and ivory figurines, for the National Gallery in March 2003.
South African Antique Dealers’ Association :
Chairman from 1994 to1996, and 1998 to 2000
Currently Vice Chairman.

Title: Boys playing at a swimming pool
Size: 15 x 20 cm
Media: oil
ID: 5604
Price: R 2 800