Although I was always able to draw, I never really started painting seriously until the year 2000. Once the painting bug bit, there was no going back. Oils are my preferred medium, although I do enjoy pastels and drawing as well.
I have had no formal training; most of my work comes from my passion for the pure love of art. My earlier work was significantly different to what I do now, and I’m sure it will keep on changing as the years pass. I work a lot with the palette knife, as I enjoy texture immensely. I’ve developed a style that I feel comes naturally, and I believe that even though my techniques may change, my use of a palette knife and my marks, will make my paintings recognisable as my art work. The more one learns; the more difficult it gets. The more my paintings improve, the more I expect them to improve. It’s an endless cycle.
After moving to Cape Town at the end of 2010, I found my teacher Laura Wenman. Laura’s classes have been extremely beneficial. Everything she has taught me, I have been able to take and apply to my own style, it’s no longer hit and miss, even though my paintings take on a life of their own. Painting is not what I am, it is who I am.
Since moving to Cape Town I have joined
SASA (South African Society of Artists)
BASE (Blaauwberg Art Society)
Belville Arts Association (Art.b Gallery)
These societies have given me wonderful opportunities to exhibit my art work.
Sold to various galleries and private clients, both in South Africa and overseas
SASA Merit Exhibition
Group Exhibition Woodstock Old Castle Brewery
SASA Merit Exhibition
Art Portfolio Group Exhibition
Tiny Treasures Group Exhibition Art.b Gallery
Selected to exhibit in the SASA Annual Exhibition
Two works chosen to Exhibit in the Vuleka Competition
Four paintings selected to exhibit in Western Cape Artists’ Association Annual Exhibition
2 Highly Commended
1 Commended
3rd place for Eleanor Palmer Competition 2014
SASA Merit Exhibitions
Selected to exhibit in the SASA Annual Exhibition
Selected to exhibit in BASE Merit Exhibition
(1st place award for Sunset)
(Highly Commended for Dirt Road)
1st place award for the Eleanor Palmer Competition
Selected to exhibit in the SASA Annual Exhibition |