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Jeremy Day was born in London in 1945 and emigrated to Cape Town with his war-widowed mother on a Union-Castle liner in 1946.
Jeremy started drawing as soon as he could hold a pencil, and this was the beginnings of what would be an art-based career.

An early influence in fine detail work was freelance projects in Jeremy’s mid-teens, entailing the design of miniature colour sketches of hundreds of garment labels, most with brush lettering as small as 1.5mm high.

After a 3 year stint at Graphic Art school, exposure to the creation of advertising campaigns plus copywriting skills led to the formation of a graphic design and advertising business in 1975, including illustration work for the larger agencies, especially airbrush work.
In the background was the constant desire to pursue realism with a paintbrush, especially with quirky subject matter, originally inspired by UK artist Michael English. The late Erik Laubscher provided Jeremy’s desire to go beyond.

Successful solo exhibitions resulted in commissions both local and overseas.

Several awards have also been achieved, locally and internationally, including placement in the top 100 of the 2013 and 2015 Sanlam National Portrait Competitions.

Participation in the SASA exhibitions has led to the highest scores at 4 of 5  consecutive Annual Exhibitions, resulting in a Fellowship of SASA in 2014, and Senior Fellowship in 2017 Jeremy always encourages others to take chances and go beyond their comfort zone, and believes this is vital in the development of one’s unique artistic style.

There is only one rule in creativity and that is that there are no rules and no limits. The sky is not the limit anymore, aim for the moon and if you miss you’ll land up in the stars, gathering stardust which must be shared with others that paint or create.
The most exciting aspect of creativity is the belief that no matter what you have achieved, the best is still to come, and the journey beckons. 

Jeremy derives inspiration from other artists; the names of Rockwell, Turner, Monet and Pierneef are but a few, as well as the hyperrealists Pedro Campos, Jason de Graaf, Simon Hennesy and Denis Petersen, amongst others. Jeremy continually “pans for gold” for that iconic spark of inspiration that will lead to the next work of art.

Several solo exhibitions at the Old Village at Constantia and The Studio at Kalk Bay proved successful, resulting in commissions both local and international. Participation in the SASA exhibitions has led to the highest scores at 3 consecutive Annual Exhibitions, resulting in the awarding as a Fellow of SASA.

In January 2015, Jeremy received first prize in an international online still life art competition with “Tata ma Chance”, a painting of a grocery purchase and lotto ticket.

On Show I Where to find us I The Gallery I On Exhibition I ArtistsI Payment details

Gallery hours: Mon to Fri: 9h30 to 17h00, Sat: 10h00 to 14h00
American express, Mastercard, Visa and Diner cards are accepted.
Reliable arrangements can be made to freight purchases to foreign destinations.

60 CHURCH STREET CAPE TOWN 8001, TEL: +27 21 4235309, FAX: +27 21 4249063

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