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The Recording History series

The Recording History series details the history of South Africa, it is a series of 15 colour woodcut prints. The series was inspired by my love and appreciation for this country, it began with a work representing the San/ Bushmen and I realized once the work was completed that I had in fact just begun and this has evolved into the 15 colour prints of the Recording History series.

The series has been printed on rice paper (mulberry paper) and there are between 8 and 15 works per image. The series took me 11 ½ months to complete. Each work is 50 x 90 cm. The edition number appears on the bottom left of the image, the title in the middle bottom of the image and the artists signature on the bottom right of the image.

The Little People

This image sparked off the idea of the entire series. The image relates to the San/Bushmen people, being the original indigenous people of South Africa, who have been here for thousands of years. The giraffe hide becomes a cave painting where over the past generations the San have drawn, inscribed or engraved ‘tattoos’ on the surface of the giraffe, i.e., the giraffe has recorded the history of the San people on its hide.

John Moore is a conceptual wildlife printmaker who incorporates environmental concerns in his work. He specializes in woodblocks, linocuts and lithographs.


Dream now, dream not, the annual Winter Solstice Exhibition, The Cape Gallery

Impressions, group exhibition, The Cape Gallery
Wildlife, adventure and narrative, annual Wildlife Exhibition, The Cape Gallery
The Rain Maker, annual Winter Solstice Exhibition, The Cape Gallery

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Title: The Recording Series: The Ancestors 6/8
Size: 90 x 50 cm
Media: Print
Price: R 9 050 framed

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