Summer Salon exhibition, group exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Dream now, dream not, the annual Winter Solstice Exhibition, The Cape Gallery
Wildlife, adventure and narrative, annual wildlife exhibition at The Cape Gallery
The Rain Maker, annual Winter Solstice exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Pause; the annual wildlife exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Threshold, annual Winter Solstice exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Carnivale, solo exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Impulse, Rust en Vrede, Durbanville
Winchester Mansions, Cape Town
Encounters, annual Wild Life exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Proverbs, annual Winter Solstice exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Turn around time, annual Winter Solstice exhibition at The Cape Gallery
The world we live in, annual Wild Life exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Rust &Vrede, Durbanville – July/August
Group exhibition at The Cape Gallery with Yvette Polovin, Derek Jacobs and Jenny Parsons
Borderline, exhibition with Annie Vanhee at The Cape Gallery
Continuum, annual Winter Solstice exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Annual Wild Life exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Vuleka competition finalist
'Hidden Beauty' exhibition at Hyde Park Gallery, Johannesburg
'Suzani' exhibition at Artvark Galleries, Cape Town and Kalk Bay
Winter Solstice – Cape Gallery
Borders, annual Wild Life exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Annual Wild Life exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Annual Winter Solstice exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Impact, annual Wild Life exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Desire, annual Winter Solstice exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Another place, another time: Brief encounters in the wilderness, annual Wild Life exhibition at The Cape Gallery
& Beyond Encryption, annual Winter Solstice exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Wild Life exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Exhibition with Paul Birchall at The Cape Gallery
Wild Life exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Exhibition with Ingrid de Haast at The Cape Gallery
Wild Life exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Wild Life Exhibition at The Cape Gallery
International Exhibitions
8th International Triennial of Printmaking – France
Gunjifa Printmaking Exhibition - Goa, India
Gunjifa Printmaking Exhibition - Impact 6 International Printmaking Conference, Bristol, England
International Gunjifa Printmaking project, co-ordinated by Chhaap Printmaking Workshop, Vadodora, India
Group exhibition at Showcase Gallery - Dubai
6th International Engraving Biennale of Ile de France, Paris
Exhibition – Kilkinney Annual Arts Festival – Ireland
“Strangers” Invitational International Printmaking exhibition , Canada, USA, New Zealand
Innovative Threads Exhibition, Cape Town and France – Fibre Art
Corporate Collections
The Legacy Group
Jindal Mining Group
Residency – Nek Chand Sculpture Garden, Chandigarh, India
Thupelo Printmaking Workshop participant – Greatmore Studios
Taught a printmaking workshop – Kilkenny, Ireland
Innovative Threads : A decade of Fibre Art - book by Liza Gillespie
“Piecing Together the Past” short stories – District Six Museum Publication
Co-author and photographer of two 'coffee table' wildlife books: “Etosha – Life and Death on an African Plain” published by Struik in SA and Collins UK in German and English for international distribution “Zululand – a Wildlife Heritage” published by Struik in SA and Collins UK for international distribution |

Title: Dreaming of a night Knight
Size: 90 x 120 cm
Media: Wax encaustic on board
ID: 27851
Price: R 35 000
What is wax encaustic?
It is a mixture of pigmented waxes (NOT candlewax) and resins,
which are painted with while molten. Each layer is fused to the preceding
one using a blow torch, heat gun or heat lamp.
Is it a new medium?|
No, it’s a very ancient one. Exquisite funerary portraits
were painted on mummy cases in Fayum, Egypt from 200BC. Famous contemporary
artists who use it include Diego Riviera, Jasper Johns and Tony Scherman.
Will it melt?
Not under normal circumstances. The waxes used have a melting
temperature of over 65 Deg C. If it melts in your house, you’ve
got a bigger problem, it means your house is on fire! Exhibiting it behind
glass in the direct sun is not a good idea, but no artwork of any medium
should be exposed to that. Leaving it in the boot of a car parked in the
sun on a hot day for a couple of hours will also do damage. Prolonged
exposure to extreme cold, i.e. below freezing, is also not good.
Treated with the reasonable care for any other artwork, wax encaustic
may well outlast oil or even acrylic. The Fayum portraits are as vibrant
today as they were over 2 000 years ago, with none of the cracking that
oils are prone to.
Wax encaustic paintings are also impervious to damp, even when used on
paper, so are far more robust than watercolours.
How do I look after a wax encaustic painting?
Be careful not to scratch the surface, and perhaps buff gently
once a year with a silk scarf.
I developed a passion for drawing and
painting at an early age, and while still very young decided that I wanted
to become an artist. I have had some formal training, but am mostly self-taught.
In my early 20's, instead of the planned move to Paris to further my
art studies, I went on a safari and fell totally in love with the bush.
An enduring fascination and passion for Africa, both as an idea as well
as a place, was born.
For the next 12 years, my partner and I permanently lived and traveled
in the wild places of Southern Africa and what was then SWA. We photographed
and wrote articles on wildlife as well as two books, 'Etosha´ and
'Zululand' published by Struik in the early 80's.
Motherhood and a move to the Cape has expanded and deepened my perception
and understanding of the underlying, mostly sub-conscious connection between
humans and what we like to think of as ‘our’ world.
In the same way that there is a heartbeats’ space between action
and reaction, there is a gap – sometimes a chasm – between
us and everything in our environment. In there, I believe we imbue people,
animals, places and things with our ‘shadow selves’. This
is where I find my work.
On the surface the artworks may seem to range from highly realistic/figurative
to abstract, but beneath that, they are all concerned with recording my
explorations of an ever changing perception of reality – physical,
emotional, mental, spiritual and of course mythical.
Profoundly rooted in Africa but with an inevitable overlay of European
culture and history I strive to develop a new reality where the two supposedly
opposing cultures come together in a synthesis greater and more beautiful
than the sum of its parts.
I paint people and places, but return time and time again to what I call
“Beasts” obsessed/possessed by certain animals and themes.
I try to not only capture some physical likeness, some sense of ‘Presence’
but also to materialise the essentially invisible essence of the particular
Technically the images are worked with a variety of media – sometimes
singly, more often mixed on paper, masonite, wood, canvas or perspex.
I use pastels, both oil and chalk, watercolour, acrylic, oils, resin and
wax encaustic.
I enjoy printmaking, etching, collograph and monotype printing, as well
as bronze sculpture, both relatively new directions for me. I continue
to photograph subjects that interest me, including an ongoing project
on dance, capturing movement and feeling rather than just the pose.
I am currently exploring ways to incorporate my own wildlife photographic
images with painting and drawing, as well as expanding my techniques in
wax encaustic.
By Margot Hattingh |