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As a young student at the Michaelis School of Art, University of Cape Town, I was privileged to have mentors such as Russell Harvey, Katrina Harris, May Hillhouse and Eleanor-Esmond White. Their teaching provided me with the foundation to follow my dreams in the visual arts.  Their inspiration has been with me ever since.

In those early days my passion for printmaking was cemented by Katrina Harris.  Through her guidance, unquestionable talent and ability I acquired an appreciation and excitement associated with the medium.  These beginnings stayed with me though my life’s journey even though I followed other paths and pursuits in different parts of the world including archaeology, ceramics and materials engineering.    Throughout all this I promised myself that some day, I would follow my fascination for printmaking.

This dream was realized over a five year sojourn in Sydney, Australia through my association with the Warringah Printmakers Studio, The National Art School (University of Sydney), and the Pine Street Creative Arts Centre.  During this period I attended various printmaking workshops and short courses, exploring printing techniques such as solar plate printing and  successfully exhibited works at both the Warringah and Pines Street and at the Balmain Watch House in Sydney.

In 2004 I was accepted as a fulltime student at Meadowbank Tafe in Sydney, which boasts an excellent and productive Printmaking Department, where I was able to extend and experiment further printmaking processes.

Since my relatively recent return to Cape Town I received a SASA (South African Society of Artists) Commendation Award for painting and have exhibited at Kirstenbosch and the Marcus Gallery.


Sharma Fenton
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Title: The Muse 1/15
Size: 15 x 9.5 cm
Media: Etching
Price: R 2 500 Framed
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