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Born in Cape Town in 1957

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Monotypes inspired by late 60’s and 80’s Music.

These images convey a love of music. In my youth people used to listen to music at shows and in music halls. I remember when I was a young kid, my parents were both in the music business. Especially my mother who used to sing. Both my elder brothers and their colleagues played. I was encouraged to play the piano as a hobby. My particular interest is African Jazz.
Today I am a full time visual artist.


Soha developed an interest in art at a very young age. Encouraged to pursue his talent as an adult, he attended A.M.A.C ** and went on to study at Rorke’s Drift Art School in Kwa Zulu Natal. The school was founded by the Swedish Missionaries and this was the principal facility for the black artists in South Africa.

Soha’s experiences have continued to inspire him in his artistic pursuits. He returned to Cape Town in 1984 to teach young artists at the Nyanga Art Centre and A.M.A.C** for several years before devoting himself full time to his art career.

He has participated in several Thupela workshops and he is a current artist in Residence at Greatmore Studios in Cape Town. His work has been featured in many solo and group exhibitions across South Africa and in Namibia, Germany, United Kingdom, Argentina, U.S.A., Holland, Sweden and Canada. He has worked on mural projects and received many commissions for book illustrations.

“I am a realistic artist, mixing colours in order to use them as naturally as possible”’ he says of his work, “I express myself mostly through township and rural scenes like homelands. My aim is to show the outside community how my people live their lives.”

When Soha was at Rorke’s Drift Art School they were taught how to select and specialize in subjects that they were doing at the time. He specialized in graphics/printmaking because his lecturer gave him encouragement and saw he was very good in printmaking. This encouragment inspired him .

** Please note that CAP (Community Arts Project) has been renamed AMAC (Arts and Media Acess Centre)

Solo Exhibition at the Association of Visual Arts in Cape Town


Impressions, group exhibition at The Cape Gallery

Telling our story; group exhibition at The Cape Gallery


Siyakubona, group exhibition at The Cape Gallery
Social Synergy, group exhibition at The Cape Gallery

Group Exhibition in Amsterdam

The Group Exhibition “Encompass” at the Cape Gallery

Association for Visual Arts; Cape Town
Travelling "Homeland" exhibition of South African Artists, Wales
Tulipamwe International workshop, Namibia.

Galerie Gabriel, Amsterdam, Holland

Atlantic Gallery BMW. Cape Town.
The Castle, Cape Town

University of Brighton Gallery, United Kingdom

The Tupelo Workshop, South African National Gallery, Cape Town.
The British Council, Sybrand Park, Cape Town
"Manyano" Museo Etnografico Azul, Argentina
Thupelo Dal Josefat Art Foundation, Paarl

Shell House, Cape Town

The Chelsea Gallery, Cape Town
The Dorp Street Gallery, Stellenbosch

The Conservatoire of Music, Windhoek, Namibia.
The Baxter Gallery, Cape Town

Eli Marsh Gallery, New York, USA
The Dorp Street Gallery Stellenbosch.

Mousun Turn, Frankfurt, Germany

American Centre, Cape Town.

Good Hope Centre, Cape Town

Bekuzulu Hall, University of Zululand, Fuba Centre, Johannesburg.

Ceramic Project, Langa
Manual for Basic Health Clinic; Transnet

Smirnoff Mural Project, Langa

Mural Project, Nyanga Junction.

Provincial Administration Offices; Xhosa Literacy and Wordbook

Caltex commission for a calendar

Engen Commission for Prints.

Oxford University Press "Unqweme" by L.V. Mabinza and M.S. Mabinza

Oxford University Press "Inzala Kamlungisi" by W. Tamsanqa

Collins "Portraits of Jesus" by William Domeris

Illustrations for 8 books, including for Oxford University Press. Also calendars by Engen, Caltex and Truworths. Part of group commisions from the department of Health (aids Education Mural, Gugultu) and the Cape Town City council (Nyanga Junction as well as ceramic murals for Guga s’Thebe, Langa)

SA National Gallery
Numerous Private collections

Contributor to "The Collector's Guide to Art and ARTISTS IN South Africa" (1998); South African Institute of Artist's and Designers.

Botaki Exhibition 2 written by Mario Pissarra for Old Mutual Asset Management, 2005

The ID of South African artists produced by Initiative of Art & Theatre Amsterdam, April 2004


Title: All That Jazz
Size: 40 x 40cm
Media: Monoprint
Price: R4 500

Below is a excerpt from ID of South African artists produced by Initiative of Art & Theatre Amsterdam, April 2004

Velile Soha has been working in the medium of print for close to twenty years. His work is based on the lives of working class people, most specifically people living in townships. Soha claims to be a realistic artist, mixing colours in order to use them as naturally as possible. He says he expresses himself mostly though the portrayals of black locations (townships) and homeland scenes so as to show outside communities how his people live their lives.

His works ‘A New Arrival’ and ‘Informal Settlements’ are monoprints – once off prints and both work with the theme of housing. Many rural dwellers that move to urban centres in search of employment find themselves unable to afford accommodation and resort to living in an informal settlement. These settlements usually do not have electricity and running water and are prone to the elements of nature as well as the outbreak of fires and diseases.

The South African government has struggled since 1994 to cater for the housing of lower income people. His work ‘A New Arrival’ is the portrayal of one of these new government sponsored housing, which allows lower-income people to buy small houses for a reduced fee, but which have running water and can have electricity installed.


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