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The artist entered the world of art through an unusual experiment with creative play in an attempt to discover the ‘inner other’, treating the canvas consciously as a mirror.

In those early years she had no guidance, but insisted instead on keeping this sacred space free of external influences. This in-between space, the space between heaven and earth, the space visited by shaman and artist alike since the dawn of the human race, is the cradle of all creativity. No serious artwork can be produced without engagement with the sacred side of being, or without a personal struggle with one’s own demons. A new way of viewing art is also suggested in that an artist may become a mouthpiece for that deeper part of the psyche, and so make a meaningful contribution to consciousness.


Dream now, dream not, the annual Winter Solstice Exhibition, The Cape Gallery

The old woman and the moon, solo exhibition, Irma Stern Gallery, Cape Town

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Title: Initiation
Size: 35 x 45 cm
Media: Oil on canvas board
Price: R5 500 Framed
On Show I Where to find us I The Gallery I On Exhibition I ArtistsI Payment details

Gallery hours: Mon to Fri: 9h30 to 17h00, Sat: 10h00 to 14h00
American express, Mastercard, Visa and Diner cards are accepted.
Reliable arrangements can be made to freight purchases to foreign destinations.

60 CHURCH STREET CAPE TOWN 8001, TEL: +27 21 4235309, FAX: +27 21 4249063

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